L-GRANT Entrepreneur Life-Tech Award 採択者決定


    【採択者決定】リバネス創業奨励費 LIFE-TECH AWARD


    Application Theme

    Life-Tech will include the following fields:
    • Healthcare, Communication, Living Environment, Nursing Care, Sensing, Behavior Change, Sensitivity of People, Education and other fields related to “People”.

    • Technologies and ideas to improve people's quality of life (QOL) and lifestyles, enrich their sense of well-being, and pursue better living.

    Target Criteria

    Researcher, business person (who is willing to found a company) or founder (some already have company) who have ideas or interested in starting up a business in the area of Life Tech based in Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan.



    Winner of Award

    石田 幸広 株式会社セカンドハート
    Diabetic foot check app “Steplife”

    和泉 センナイ雅人 Izumi Thermodynamics PTE. LTD.
    Brayton-cycle regenerative air conditioning system

    柴田 未央 株式会社ユーブローム
    Personalized healthcare based on the skin microbiome

    竹内 雅樹 東京大学 工学系研究科電気系工学専攻
    Development of wearable electrolarynx to regain lost voice

    蓮見 大聖 Amateras Space Inc.
    Technology Demonstration of Next Generation ECLSS (Environmental Control and Life Support System) in a Closed Environment

    ピーク エイダン ゼファー 株式会社ニューロジカ
    Early Detection of Depression Using ElectroEncephaloGraphy Based on Machine Learning


    Previous articleCall for application! L-GRANT Entrepreneur Life-Tech Award!
    中嶋 香織/Kaori Nakashima 研究開発事業部 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学バイオサイエンス研究科博士前期課程修了。 同博士後期課程中途退学後、横浜市立大学生命ナノシステム研究科特任助手を経て現職。 修士(バイオサイエンス) 専門は細胞周期、植物成長制御、DNAダメージ応答(細胞生物学・分子生物学・植物生理学) 教育現場と研究現場をブリッジし、最先端のサイエンスを次世代に届けます!


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